Alessandro Moreira, a native of Brazil, is currently the head coach for several youth soccer teams and serves at the director of training in local programs. Given his exposure to the Brazilian level of play as a youth and a professional, he is a consummate trainer with a heavy emphasis on the development of proper technical skill. Coach Moreira has trained thousands of the best soccer players in Western Pennsylvania.
Of course there is much more to Player Development than drills. Coach Moreira takes pride in making his training fun and engaging for his students - preserving and nurturing the joy of the beautiful game in supportive yet intense and focused sessions.
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Email: [email protected]
Text/Voice: 412-491-0685

Moreira moved to the Pittsburgh area several years ago after playing professional soccer in Costa Rica and Brazil for over 10 years. He has played for Municipal Liberia and Asociacion Deportiva San Carlos, as well as several other first division Central and South American teams. In the 1999 season, Moreira was named "Best Foreign Player" by UNAFUT in Costa Rica. In addition to his role with Club soccer in the Pittsburgh area, Alessandro has served several years in the nationally recognized North Allegheny school distric and works as a trainer for the La Roche College Women’s Soccer Team. Moreira holds a State Diploma and Goalkeeping Diploma from NSCAA and a USSF "B" license.
Alessandro Moreira had an exceptional Professional Soccer career with a decade of league leading play in International Leagues generally considered to be superior in quality to North American MLS. Moreira is tied for 4th on the list all time of Brazilian goal scorers in Costa Rica and he also is listed as the 4th player on the list of foreigners who have played the largest number of pro games in Costa Rica...his brother Leonardo is also on the list. Some teams Moreira played for: Liberia, Goicoechea, Osa, Belen, San Carlos, Carmelita
Alessandro Moreira has played in 249 pro games in Costa Rica - won the award as the best foreign player overall in the league in 02-03 season with Goicoechea. Below are some links to videos/articles which describe some of his career...

From UNAFUT (originally published in Spanish)
Please click here to download the Spanish PDF file.
Foreigners in Costa Rican Soccer (Translation from Google Translate)
Please click here to download the English PDF file.